
The Colorado Krav Maga

Winter Camp 2025


SAVE $100!




Feb 28th, March 1st & 2nd

(*Special Instructor Workout and Business Meetings on Friday Feb 28th)

The 19th Annual Krav Maga Winter Camp.  The original, longest running, and largest training of it’s kind IN THE WORLD!

The Krav Maga Winter Camp will be held at the Colorado State Patrol Academy in beautiful Golden Colorado.

The stage is set for an amazing 2 (or 3) days of Krav Maga training, workouts, and continuing education on the science of violence (with an extra day for KM Instructors, Owners, Staff).  Any one of these seminars by themselves are worth the price of admission, but you get over a dozen different sessions plus world-class workouts for the price of ONE!

The Krav Maga Winter Camp is the standard by which all others are measured.  The largest most comprehensive Krav Maga Symposium in the world is ready for you with Guest Instructors from around the world!

NOTE: After Feb 1st is considered a late registration.  Winter Camp T-shirts cannot be guaranteed for late registrations.

LOCATION: The Colorado State Patrol Academy, Golden Colorado. 15055 South Golden Road.

HOTEL INFORMATION:  Once again the Denver Marriott West, just minutes from the State Patrol Academy, will provide the OFFICIAL accommodations for Krav Maga Winter Campers.  Hurry, rooms are limited and must be booked by January 30th.  CLICK HERE  to reserve your Hotel rooms for this 4-star hotel at an amazing rate! Or copy and paste this; https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1721250487364&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true 

Denver Marriott West 1717 Denver West Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401



John Whitman

6th Degree Black Belt and Founder and Chief Instructor of the Krav Maga Alliance, an affiliation of over 130 Krav Maga Training Centers across the globe.
John is the former president of Krav Maga Worldwide, and earned instructor degrees from the Krav Maga Association of America, Krav Maga Worldwide, and the prestigious Wingate University in Israel.  He has trained thousands of civilians and hundreds of law enforcement and military personnel, including the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations Antiterrorist Specialty Team. John is the co-author of COMPLETE KRAV MAGA and KRAV MAGA FOR BEGINNERS.

Matt Eyer

Matt Eyer (on left), owner of Blue Umbrella Solutions, has 20 years of emergency management experience helping clients and citizens across the United State be better prepared to face complex hazard related issues, to be more resilient, to quickly recover from negative events, and to be better able to meet the next challenges. He has worked across a wide variety of industries, in over 30 states, with clients including all levels of government, tribal nations, fire and police departments, utilities, health departments, private sector, schools, universities, non-profits, and citizen groups. The breadth of his project experience includes emergency operations planning, continuity planning, response logistics, response and recovery exercises, mitigation planning, threat and hazard assessment, biological assessment, fatality planning, and personnel training. Matt has no hobbies or interests as he has two children, one in high school and one in middle school, both playing on multiple sports teams, and an airline pilot wife.

Greg Weaver

 Greg is a long time Krav Maga enthusiast and accomplished Firearms Instructor. However, Greg is most well known as “The Legend” in the first resonder community. Firefighter/Paramedic (retired), Tactical SWAT Medic (retired) and now Emergency Medical educator for Paramedics, EMT’s, Law Enforcement and the public. Greg learned some Krav Maga while on the SWAT team, and in 2019 began training at Colorado Krav Maga.
He is now a regular coach and instructor with Tactical Krav Maga Firearms Program and is a Certified USCCA Instructor as well.

And of course your top team of Instructors from Colorado Krav Maga, including FOUNDERS James and Shannon Hiromasa

WINTER CAMP 2025 SCHEDULE (subject to change)


Schedule: (Subject to Change, TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE)

Friday 28th at Broomfield Krav Maga
5109 W. 120th ave Broomfield
1200 Owners and Instructors only workout and Level 6 Expert Krav Maga Training with John Whitman
1330 Refreshments, Lunch and open table business and training discussion
1500 Owners and Instructors early check-in
1700 -1800 Public Early Check In for Winter Camp 2025 at the Broomfield Krav Maga Training Center
1800 COKM Class in Broomfield open to students and out of town Guests

Saturday 1st at the Colorado State Patrol Academy
(15055 South Golden Road )
0800 Early Check-in ONLY for those doing Cage Fit (advanced reservation required)
0830 Cage Fit/Kettlebell Combo (advanced reservation required)
0830 General Check in – Pick up your packets, t-shirts, and other information
0900 Orientation/Warm up – Important information and official start to Winter Camp
0915 Session 1 – Camp Combatives: All the strikes you’ll need for the weekends training – COKM Team
1000 Session 2 – Basic Knife and Blunt Object defenses – John Whitman
1100 Session 3 – Armageddon Training: “I got the knife! Now what?” blade use– John Whitman
1200 Lunch – Catered onsite & CPR finisher (pre-registration required – SOLD OUT)
1300 Presentation – 72: Your Get Home Bag (3-day bag), SIP-ROR (Shelter-in-Place Ride Out Ready)
1400 Session 4 – Armageddon Training: Crowd Movement – COKM/LEO
1500 Session 5 – Armageddon Training: Multiple Attackers – John Whitman
1630 Session 6 – Armageddon Detection and Planning: Matt Eyers – Blue Umbrella Solutions
1800 Day 1 ends

Sunday 2nd at the Colorado State Patrol Academy
(15055 South Golden Road )
1000 Warm Up and Review: Review all skills with movement and crowds
1030 Session 6 – Basic Handgun defenses – John Whitman
1130 Session 7 – Armageddon Training: 3rd Party Defenses (Take out the antagonist) – John Whitman
1300 Lunch – Catered onsite & CPR finisher (pre-registration required – SOLD OUT)
1400 Presentation – IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit), EFAK (Emergency First Aid Kit)
1500 Session 8 – Suicide Bomber Neutralization – John Whitman
1600 Session 9– Armageddon Training: DRILL BABY DRILL! Simmunitions, Force on Force, scenarios – John Whitman and COKM
1700 Drawings and door prizes!
1730 Official close to Winter Camp 2025!

 To contact a Colorado Krav Maga representative during the active days of Winter Camp 2022, please text 720-315-5559


PACKING and GEAR you should bring! Changing rooms and showers are available.

  • Bring a change of shirts (sweat, tearing, etc)
  • Large hoodie and sweatpants to go over your normal workout clothes for outdoor cold training and for PROTECTION from simmunitions
  • Bring both Outdoor Shoes and Indoor Shoes (non marking soles!)
  • Please carry your gym shoes to the Training Location, winter slush can be messy
  • Standard cold weather clothing (nighttime outdoor temps vary greatly in Colorado, but plan for freezing temps at night)
  • Boxing Gloves or MMA (fingerless) gloves, mouthpiece, groin protection (guys). Focus mitts if you have them.
  • An inert training gun if you have one
  • We suggest you bring all your protective gear just in case.
  • Gym towel

WARNING; DO NOT BRING LIVE FIREARMS ONTO THE GROUNDS OF CAMP GEORGE WEST AND THE COLORADO STATE PATROL!!  You and your bags may be searched and could cause you to be ejected from the grounds.

CURRENT FORCAST for Winter Camp:  Highs in the mid 40’s.  Low-20’s. https://weather.com/weather/today/l/94ecc1e233787d43155337cf26956a3b1becc04a837d1344ff51e899bb610a7c



Reserve Your Hotel:

HOTEL INFORMATION:  Once again the Denver Marriott West, just minutes from the State patrol Academy, will provide the OFFICIAL accommodations for Krav Maga Winter Campers.  Hurry, rooms are limited and must be booked by January 30th. CLICK HERE to reserve your Hotel rooms for this 4-star hotel at an amazing rate! Or copy and paste this; https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1721250487364&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true 


Denver Marriott West 1717 Denver West Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401


  • All the training on Saturday and Sunday will be at the Colorado State Patrol Academy 15055 South Golden Road, Golden CO (Use the NORTH gym entrance)  See the map here; https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zYmcPm6P0Hqw.kjHN1O4ipdk4&usp=sharing
  • Fridays training for the Owners/Managers/Program Directors workout and round table lunch which will be held at the BRAND NEW Broomfield Krav Maga Training Center, 5109 W. 120th ave
  • Early check in on Friday will be between 6-8pm at the Broomfield Krav Maga Training Center
  • Training surface is gym floor and wrestling mats.  Wrestling shoes with non marking soles please!
  • There may also be training outside on grass, snow, ice, gravel, and pavement.  Please bring dress appropriate for cold and WET weather.

 Ground Transportation

  • We suggest renting a car from Denver International Airport
  • Or, Uber or Lyft are readily available and may be less than a cab
  • A cab ride to the hotel from the Airport will be between $90 and $120
  • Car rental agencies are located off-site from the Airport, catch shuttles to rentals from Level 5 (same as baggage claim), at Island #4


CURRENT FORCAST for Winter Camp:  High-50’s.  Low-30’s Rain. http://www.weather.com/weather/5-day/Golden+CO+USCO0163:1:US


If you are a Krav Maga Instructor or head of an Agency, you have special pricing, discounts, and registration options so you can attend the private advanced training, lunch, and meeting on Friday.  For access or the coupon code, please send an email with your name, agency or school, whether you are a group (4) or solo Instructor, to: james@coloradokravmaga.com

If you already have a password for the group/agency registration page, click HERE